Passive Impulsgeneratoren sind Schaltkreise, die elektrische Hochleistungsimpulse erzeugen können. Sie werden vielfältig angewendet, beispielsweise zur Plasmaerzeugung, in der Gaslaserphysik und in der Radartechnik. Zwei einführende Kapitel beschäftigen sich mit Analysenmethoden für Impulsgeneratoren. Zahlreiche durchgearbeitete Beispiele helfen beim Umsetzen des Stoffes in die Praxis.
The design of circuits capable of generating short electrical pulses at very high power levels has been the subject of considerable research over the last 50 years. Much of this work is dispersed throughout conference proceedings and journals. There are very few books dedicated to the subject. Transient Electronics redresses the balance with a comprehensive survey of the most significant work in the field. It will serve as a self-contained guide to the application of pulsed circuit techniques in pulsed power technology.
Features include:
* A comprehensive guide to the use of the Laplace transform method for the analysis of the transient response of electronic circuits and transmission lines.
* A survey of pulse forming line and pulse forming network techniques including detailed analysis of their performance.
* A review of the many different types of pulsed transformer including transmission line transformers.
* Coverage of a wide range of specialised pulse generating circuits used in pulsed power generation.
* A chapter on the relatively new field of non-linear pulsed circuit technology.
Transient Electronics contains a wealth of references to aid readers in their own research on specific circuits and techniques. Written by an acknowledged authority in the field, this book will not only be an invaluable reference work for pulsed power engineers but will prove useful at postgraduate level and for specialist undergraduate courses in electrical and electronic engineering. Practical guidance on the use of pulse generating circuits for specific applications will appeal to all engineers and physicists working in the many different research fields that rely on pulsed power technology.