Digital Marketing Fundamentals is the first fully-fledged textbook on digital marketing that covers the entire marketing process. Both the scientific theory behind digital marketing as well as techniques and media are discussed. Digital Marketing Fundamentals is easy to read and contains many International examples and cases. The Dutch version of this book (Basisboek Online Marketing) has become a standard issue in The Netherlands.
In this book, all relevant aspects of digital marketing are addressed: strategic aspects, market research, product development and realisation, branding, customer acquisition, customer loyalty and order processing. The book also discusses effective websites and apps, digital analytics and planning and organisation. The application of social media and mobile communication is seamlessly integrated into the topics.
Digital Marketing Fundamentals is very suitable for commercial and management courses in Higher Education and also for professionals active in digital marketing.
Marketing is now fundamentally a digital process, and this textbook was the first to comprehensively analyse marketing through a digital lens. As the field is evolving rapidly, this edition is fully updated to cover the latest developments in theory and practice, incorporating many international examples and cases.
"Digital marketing knowledge and skills are the 'go to' for today's marketers who must create valuable customer journeys across digital platforms. This book goes beyond the basics, explaining 'why' digital marketing is now essential. Practical case studies bring the theory to life. Highly recommended for marketing students and business practitioners who want to create long-lasting customer relationships in our digital world." Kate Jones, Senior Lecturer, Digital Marketing, AUT University, Auckland, New Zealand
"Digital technologies have changed the way we market to and engage with our audiences. We need to understand these technologies and add value to the customer journey. I recommend this book for anyone looking to develop theirdigital marketing knowledge and skills."Marialena Zinopoulou, CEO, The Digital Marketing Association (DMA) and Lecturer in Digital and Emerging Technologies in Marketing
"Today, more than ever, it is essential that marketers have a solid grounding in Digital Strategy and techniques. Employers are increasingly demanding these skills. This book provides exactly that and I recommend it." Christian Jensen-Broby, Vice President, Market Operations and Asset Management, Europe, Middle East and Asia, Marriott Vacations Worldwide